Cochrane Lake Improvement Plan moved forward by RVC council

Cost sharing agreement approved between County and MCL for Improvement Plan.

Rocky View County (RVC) council voted unanimously at their January 23 meeting to accept a Terms of Reference (TOR) that would officially outline the level of work that would be completed by developers in the Cochrane Lake community, and directed administration to sign a cost-sharing agreement between the County and Macdonald Communities Limited (MCL), and approved a budget adjustment of $90,000 in order to cover the cost of the implementation of the Cochrane Lake Improvement Plan. 

In a move that originated from a Governance Committee decision in October 2023, council heard from a member of the County’s capital and engineering services about the proposed TOR that would help to guide the development of Cochrane Lake. 

“Administration believes this is an opportunity to proactively address needed improvements to the overall plan of Cochrane Lake,” said Brenda Mulrooney, a supervisor with capital and engineering services. 

Council agreed that the TOR, cost-sharing agreement, and budget adjustment were needed for the overall improvement of the development, which has been a focus of council for some time. According to the proposed cost-sharing agreement, the County and MCL would split the $90,000 cost equally.

“This will give us an opportunity to look at all of our options,” said Division 3 Coun. and Reeve Crystal Kissel. 

Administration predicts that they’d be able to present a fully developed Cochrane lake Improvement Plan to council by November 2024. 


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