Lin Gackle continues her tiresome socialist complaint that our financial system only helps the rich get richer with her argument that single Canadians are being unfairly treated.
She describes the difficulties of millennials, singles, divorcees and entrepreneurs with no children. Again she needs another lesson in economics. These people have no financial responsibilities other than themselves giving them a clear advantage. As I’ve repeated many times before, remaining single (or becoming single by divorce), is a personal choice and it’s not up to any level of government to babysit these people.
Gackle criticized my conservative positions that include two important principles: personal responsibility and self reliance. Where and whenever possible, citizens must be willing to look after themselves and each other, rather than expect some level of government to do it.
Indeed, the current Alberta government is struggling just to clean up the financial mess that Gackle’s NDP left. This huge debt and deficit was clearly described by MLA Peter Guthrie in the Cochrane Times of January 8. Any government that thinks it can borrow its way to prosperity as Notley did can only create a bankrupt province.
Furthermore, its time Ms. Gackle understood that the financial destruction of Canada continues in Ottawa. During the 2015 election Trudeau promised that the Liberals would have temporary deficits not exceeding $10 billion dollars per year and would return to balanced budgets by 2019. The voters bought this ‘borrow to spend’ Kool-Aid just like the Gackle socialists did in Alberta.
The Kool-Aid was even sweeter as the newly re-elected Trudeau spendthrifts made it even worse. The 2019 election promises will create deficit spending of $27.4 billion in 2020-21, followed by $23.7 billion, $21.8 billion and $21 billion for the following years. Canada’s federal debt is growing at the rate of $80 million dollars per day, $3.3 million per hour, $55,000 per minute and cannot be sustained. Now that the Trudeauites have a minority government, they will remain in power as long as they can with the support of the socialist NDP and the debt will become massive!
Pay attention Ms. Gackle, because tomorrow’s taxpayers, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will pay for this obscene borrowing and spending. Today’s voters including naïve millennials did that to their own generation. The voters of this divided nation should be ashamed to have let both Notley and Trudeau bankrupt the next two generations of taxpayers.
If Ms. Gackle or anyone else wishes to question my research I welcome the call, you know where I am.
- L. Leugner