Cochrane’s globetrotting hiker William Hayes did it again with his camera. This time he was enjoying the August wonders of Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. When I saw his photos, the 4B’s of his venture really grabbbed my attention. I’ll return to those 4B’s in a moment, but first about William’s fascination with that park.
“Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park is a natural treasure located so close to home,” he says. In all four seasons, “no matter the weather, it is truly a place to find much peace in the surroundings.”
Well, this month’s mid-summer hike did not disappoint him. And as I viewed the photos he’s sharing with us this week (see my accompanying collage), I was immediately taken with his celebration of the 4B’s.
And what are the 4B’s? Why, Blossoms, Berries, Birds and Bees, of course!
“Each stroll in the park brings a variety of wonderful views to the eyes,” he says, all of which point to a Fifth B: Blessings!
Absolutely, William! And that’s why we Cochranites must never overlook the blessings that are ours with the glorious Glenblow Ranch Provincial Park so near by. Thanks for the reminder.
© 2024 Warren Harbeck