About a year or so ago I read about some land being donated to the Province by some more than generous folks, Dick and Lois Haskayne. More recently I read about the Haskayne Legacy Park being under consideration to be part of a flooded area if and when a dam is built. This new dam is to prevent flooding of other areas from storms in the future similar to 13 years ago. I remember it was called the “once in a 100 years phenomena”. Since my home along the Bow River might also be in that flooded plain I was interested in seeing what other land was considered for sacrifice.
I drove out highway 1A from Cochrane, the mountains lumbering behind the light smoke in the west; turned south at Woodland Road through some beautiful land and came upon one of the most gorgeous sights I have seen. Simply nature . Breathtakingly stunning. I pulled to the side of the road and stopped. It is a deep but wide valley. I see tall grass, even at this elevation and distance away, a dirt road and then the Beautiful Bow meandering along. Cattle grazed on land still private. I sat for awhile taking in the huge blue sky and the life below. I couldn’t stop saying “Wow!” as I descended the steep hill. “Wow!” I was wishing for something more profound to say. It is so beautiful.
I came to the dirt road and a sign that said no water access and kept going. I liked the natural road, bumpy but fitting for the place. The grass is high at this time. My head swivelled left and right as I travelled along enjoying the tall wild flowers blooming in the sun.
There are gravel parking lots, nice, more natural. A large structure is nearby made of glass reflecting the grass and sky; wood and possibly cement but coloured in a dark earth tone. Remarkably elegant as if it grew there.
The wind was like a soft caress as I walked along a footpath and came upon a sight that is hard to describe. There are several large ‘gardens’ of tall grass from east to west. The grass is like waves in an ocean or in our Great Lakes, glowing in the sun. It was mesmerizing and I felt like the experience was all enveloping, mind, body and soul.
All around were other grass species, wild flowers, a few poplar trees restless in the wind. Down further and at a distance is the Bow River; wider than at my area and calm. In the distance between is more of the wild prairie grasses. A wide path seems to surround the whole park to a great distance. A few people arrive by car or bicycle but the space is so large one doesn’t feel their presence.
I returned to my car but sat for a time immersing myself in this place watching the peaceful world that is Haskayne Legacy Park. It seems a moment in time.
It is one of those “first” experiences you don’t forget. I feel blessed by it. This blessed land, Haskayne Legacy Park. It was given with generous hearts for us to enjoy.