I haven't forgotten what the former Conservative MLAs from the Lougheed era taught me about Reformers and their wanting to destroy jobs and everything the Conservatives created for the good of the people and boy were they right.
It's obvious that Take Back Alberta that these Reformers, under Danielle Smith are connected with is aimed at destroying everything the Conservatives created for us. The perfect example is Energy Minister Brian Jean carrying on where Sonja Savage left off trying to force us into allowing Coal Mining on the eastern slopes. Completely ignoring the fact that Lougheed considered it such a danger to our water supply he put a protection on it. Yet they don't care. They have already destroyed Lougheed's oil and corporate tax structures and put this province in financial ruin. Dumped deregulation of our power and natural gas along with a $260 billion orphan well cleanup mess in our laps. Creating a financial nightmare for our children's future. If that's not bad enough while Jason Kenney fed us the lie that coal mining was being done safely on the B.C. side of the mountains Coal Tech was fined $60 million by fisheries Canada for polluting the rivers and streams in B.C. and Montana . Where is the intelligence in that?Allan K. Spiller
Edmonton (formerly of Cochrane)