I went to our bedroom window this past weekend to see how our apple tree was doing. Sure enough, it was yielding the fruit of its summertime labour. How amazing: exactly four months earlier these apples were blossoms of springtime promise. Ah, promise fulfilled, and tasty apple sauce on the way!
But what was that next to one of the apples? Sure enough, it was a golden leaf, the harbinger of a golden future!
Oh yes, Autumn!
That reminded me that there was a golden tree nearby which I should photograph. It stands proudly in the median along Quigley Dr. as you enter Cochrane’s west side, not far from the intersection with Cowboy Trail (Hwy 22).
Cowboy? That raised my curiosity about another likely photo op. I figured I’d better endure some highway construction frustrations and head over to Cochrane Ranche right away to visit our iconic Men of Vision statue. After I walked up the path to a viewpoint just the other side of the Big Hill Creek bridge, sure enough, there it was, embraced by a radiant halo of autumn leaves!
Ah, hope, fruit, and the future. Welcome back, Autumn, in all your golden glory!
© 2023 Warren Harbeck