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Today in History and Celebrity Birthdays


Today in History for June 26: On this date: In 1284, legend has it that the Pied Piper of Hamelin led 130 German children to their deaths after being refused his fee for charming rats and mice into a river.


Today in History for June 27: On this date: In 1299, in his encyclical "Scimus fili," Pope Boniface VIII claimed that Scotland owed allegiance to the Catholic Church. In 1759, British Gen.


Today in History for June 25: On this date: In 1580, the “German Book of Concord” was published, containing all the official confessions of the Lutheran Church. English translations of the entire work were not available before 1851.


Today in History for June 24: On this date: In 541, Attila the Hun laid siege to Orleans, France. In 1099, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, parent body of St. John Ambulance, was founded. It is the oldest order of chivalry in the Commonwealth.


Today in History for June 29: On this date: In 67, according to tradition, the Apostle Paul was beheaded with a sword near Rome, probably by order of Emperor Nero, during a time when Christianity was outlawed.


Today in History for June 23: On this date: In 1683, English Quaker William Penn signed his famous treaty with the Indians of Pennsylvania that became a universal symbol of religious and civil liberties.


Today in History for June 28: On this date: In 1491, King Henry VIII was born. He was married six times and died in 1547. (NOTE FOR TRIVIA BUFFS: Henry VIII was reputed to have loved beef so much he knighted it "Sir Loin.


Today in Music History for June 23: In 1920, Canadian dixieland jazz saxophonist and bandleader Lance Harrison was born in Vancouver. He died Nov. 26, 2000.


Today in Music History for June 25: In 1615, two Roman Catholic priests sang the mass in Quebec City. Samuel de Champlain, who founded the city in 1608, reported it was the first instance of sung mass in New France.


Today in Music History for June 24: In 1803, George Webb, American church organist, was born. He compiled several collections of sacred music during his lifetime, and also composed the melody to the hymn, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus.
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