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Today in History and Celebrity Birthdays


Today in History for June 8: In 632, the Prophet Mohammad died. His teachings, recorded in the Qur'an, forged a new religion -- Islam.


Celebrity Birthdays for June 15: Singer Ruby Nash Garnett of Ruby and the Romantics is 90. Muff Winwood, bass player with the Spencer Davis Group, is 81. Funk guitarist Leo Nocentelli of The Meters is 78. Singer Noddy Holder (Slade) is 78.


Today in History for June 17: On this date: In 1616, Sir William Vaughan bought the Avalon Peninsula, which forms Newfoundland's southeastern corner, from the London and Bristol Company.


Today in History for June 22: On this date: In 1559, in England, Queen Elizabeth's "Prayer Book" was issued. It was the third revision for the Anglican Church and used for nearly 100 years.


Today in History for June 16: On this date: In 1502, the Sainte-Chapelle in Chambery, France was completed for the Duke of Savoy to house the much disputed, but often venerated Shroud of Turin, a cloth in which Jesus Christ was reputedly wrapped foll


Today in History for June 21: On this date: In 1639, Increase Mather, an early American theologian, was born. He published nearly 100 books, and is credited with helping end executions for witchcraft in colonial America.


Today in History for June 18: On this date: In 1464, Roman Catholic Pope Pius II organized a crusade against the Turks, but died before he could meet up with his allies. Soon after, the crusading mentality died out. In 1812, the U.S.


Today in History for June 19: On this date: In 325, the month-long Council of Nicea closed.


Today in History for June 20: On this date: In 1529, Clement VII and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V signed the "Peace of Barcelona," which ended attacks on Rome by the Lutheran armies.


Today in Music History for June 18: In 1830, Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane, an orphaned Scottish poet, was born. Two of her most notable hymns were "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" and “The Ninety and Nine.
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